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Ride the Bus

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Click Player section below, add your player names, and click Start.

Initial Play

Round 1: Guess if the card you will be dealt is going to be Red or Black. Select the players guess to deal the card. If you are right, give someone else a drink. If you are wrong, take a drink.

Round 2: Guess if the card you will be dealt is higher, lower, or the same as your current card. Aces are High. Select the players guess to deal the card. If you are right, give someone else a drink. If you are wrong, take a drink.

Round 3: Guess if the card you will be dealt is inside, outside, or matches your two current cards. You lose on a tie unless you have guessed match. Select the players guess to deal the card. If you are right, give someone else a drink. If you are wrong, take a drink.

Round 4: Guess what suit the card you will be dealt is. Select the players guess to deal the card. If you are right, give someone else a drink. If you are wrong, take a drink.

Give and Take

Once every player has 4 cards, the Give and Take cards in the middle will be flipped one by one.

Give: If you have a matching numbered card as a flipped Give Card, choose a plalyer to give your matching card(s) to. The receiving player takes a drink.

Take: If you a matching numbered card as a flipped Take Card, take a drink.

Riding the Bus

The player with the most cards at the end of the Gives and Takes has to ride the bus.

If multiple players are tied with the same amount of cards, one will be selected randomly.

They will have to successfully make it through their hand of cards by guessing higher, lower, or the same as each card.

Ties will be considered incorrect unless same was guessed. If they guess incorrectly, they drink and return to the start of their hand to continue guessing.

There will be a 1 deck limit at which time the game will end.


Add your player names and click Start.

Game Play

1st Player Hand

2nd Player Hand

3rd Player Hand

4th Player Hand

5th Player Hand

Give Cards
Take Cards

6th Player Hand

7th Player Hand

8th Player Hand

9th Player Hand

10th Player Hand